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October 11, 12 & 13


Located in the Vegetable Exhibit Hall



• All entries must remain in the veggie/fruit barn until the end of fair Monday at 5:00 p.m. or the exhibitor forfeits all ribbons and money.

• Gardeners from other area towns are welcomed.

• Children are welcomed and will be judged in a junior division for each variety of fruit or vegetable. Junior division (ages 3–15) will include a 4th place ribbon award in addition to 1st–3rd place awards.

• Entrees must be delivered Thursday, Oct. 10 from 5-7 p.m. or Friday, Oct. 11, from 1-3 p.m. (Please note this is a change for 2024) and picked up Monday between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Vehicles will not be allowed on the grounds before 6:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14th.

• Premium may be withheld when the quality is not worthy of an award, even though it may be the only one of its kind on exhibit. Judges decisions are final.


• Fruits and vegetables must be grown by exhibitor and be correctly named as to variety.

• Number of specimens called for in premium list must be shown.

• Uniformity in size, shape, color, and maturity is very important. Large size generally denotes over maturity.

• Specimens shall be clean and dirty specimens will be rejected.

• Specimens shall be free of blemishes or damage caused by insects, disease or mechanical means.

• Root crops - cut off tops leaving about 2 inches of leaf stalk. Only the loose outer skins of onions, cabbage, lettuce, etc. should be taken off. Do not peel them too closely.

• Fresh herbs, kale, spinach, celery, and other greens prone to wilting may be exhibited in small jars of water. However, container shall be free of all labels.

• Due to space limitations, large exhibits such as live vegetable plants are discouraged.

• No person may compete for more than one prize with the same variety.

• Commercial farmers/gardeners may not exhibit in the individual fruit and vegetable classes. They may exhibit in the New Variety Division and the Commercial Farm Division.

• Entries to be displayed on paper plates provided by the Fair.

• No exhibits shall contain any invasive species or parts thereof per discretion of the chairperson.

Vegetables, Fruits, Farm or Home Garden & Granges

Fruit & Vegetable

Premiums 1st: $4.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00 

FRUIT (Exhibits shall contain number of specimens listed below)

Apples (plate of 5) of any variety Grapes (1 bunch) of any variety

Berries (one cup) of any variety Melons (1) of any variety Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Quince, Plums, Nuts (plate of 5) of any

variety. Any other fruit.

VEGETABLE (Exhibits shall contain number of specimens listed below)

Plate of 6, best in each standard variety: Brussels sprouts, beans, peas.

Plate of 4, best in each standard variety: beets, carrots, onions, parsnips, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, and small gourds less than 4 inches in diameter.

Plate of 3, best in each standard variety: corn, cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini.

One (1), best in each standard variety: eggplant, cabbage, turnip, lettuce (head), fennel, pumpkins, winter squash, sunflowers and large gourds, greater than 4 inches in diameter.

Bunch, best in each standard variety: Swiss chard, leaf lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, chives, herbs, kale.

Largest Winter Squash or Pumpkin of Acceptable Quality

Call Chairperson prior to entering on Friday to determine space available. PLEASE NOTE: all pumpkins and squash over 200 lbs. should be delivered on Friday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and picked up on Tuesday between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. For safety purposes the tractor will not be available after these times and your entry may not be accepted. Please contact fair office prior to arrival. Judges by weight and all varieties compete together

Junior & Adult Division

Premiums 1st: $25.00 2nd: $15.00 3rd: $10.00


DRIED ENTRY Junior & Adult Division

Premiums 1st: $5.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00

Exhibit of five varieties, fruits, vegetables or herbs. Exhibitors may enter each category, but only 1 entry per category. Example: 5 dried herbs, 5 dried fruits, etc. Mixing of categories is not allowed. Entries to be grown, dried and labeled by exhibitor. Each variety in separate plastic bag or container.


Premiums 1st: $5.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00

Division 1: Ages 6–9 Division 2: Ages 10–13 Division 3: Ages 14 and up Class A: Most intricate Class B: Scariest Class C: Funniest/Happiest

Pumpkins may be of any variety and must be clean. Carving is to be done solely by the entrant. An entrant may compete in all Classes, but only in one Division. Judge may use a candle or light during judging.


Premiums 1st $25.00 2nd $20.00 3rd $15.00

Division 1: Individual (Junior & Adult) Division 2: Class/Organization

Scarecrows are to be a maximum of 5 feet in height and cover no more than 3 square feet of floor space. Scarecrows will be judged on creativity, workmanship and originality. Old fashioned, High-fashioned and Sci-fi are welcome. One scarecrow per person or class/organization (by grade K-12) Class/Organization

premium paid to school class/organization fund. Scarecrows should be self supporting (have no need for bracing) and, if space is limited, may be placed outside the barn.

DECORATE A VEGETABLE CONTEST Children (through age 12 one entry per child)

Premiums 1st: $4.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00

Decorate your vegetable as a person, animal or object. (Did you ever see an eggplant mosquito?

A cucumber race car or a squash lion?) Use your imagination but use only vegetable/fruit matter for all decorations! These vegetables do not have to be grown by exhibitor. (one entry per child)

FARM, HOME GARDEN, Commercial, Educational or Grange Exhibits

Due to space limitations pre-registration is requested for all exhibits to ensure exhibitors have equal space for their displays. Due to the amazing and beautiful displays created each year by our local farmers, and the difficulty in choosing one first place winner when several displays are worthy. It has been decided to make a change in the judging. At the judge’s discretion, any display meeting a high standard will earn first place. Standards may include but are not limited to: a rich variety of products, cleanliness, overall beauty and educational merit.


Premiums-Adult 1st: $50.00 2nd:$40.00 3rd: $30.00

Junior 1st $40.00 2nd $30.00 3rd $20.00

A display of fruits, vegetables and farm products grown and prepared by exhibitor.


Premiums 1st: $60.00 2nd: $50.00 3rd: $40.00 4th $30.00

A display of fruits, vegetables and farm products grown and sold at a farm stand. May include farm's labels.


Premiums 1st: $60.00 2nd: $50.00 3rd: $40.00 4th $30.00 5th $20.00 6th $10.00

Any group – School, Home School Youth Group as long as it is a not-for-profit, may create an exhibit for educational purposes that relates to farming or gardening, vegetables or fruits. Grange exhibits are based on Four Seasons, Farm and Home.

BEST IN SHOW: Adult & Junior, Special Award by Judges for an Outstanding Exhibit $10.00.

JUDGE'S FAVORITE: Ribbon Only—Awarded at the judge's whimsy.

SPECIAL YOUTH AWARD: Through the generosity of Moulton Farm, we are pleased to offer this award designed to encourage our youth to become involved and interested in the various forms of agriculture. The exhibitor must present a basket filled with a collection of fruits, vegetables, and home/farm/garden products (canned goods, spun wool, eggs etc.) grown or raised by the exhibitor.

Two Divisions: Junior Ages 8 to 12 Senior Ages 13 to 18

Prizes for each Division: 1st: $50.00 2nd: $35.00 3rd: $15.00


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