Hodge Exhibit Building
Chair: Nancy Hansen 603-387-4767
Committee: Mary Hillsgrove, Peg Ridgely
A wonderful exhibit started in the early 1900s for all the exceptional quilters in the area that has grown to include hooked and braided rug makers.
Entries must be delivered Thursday, Oct. 10 from 5-7 p.m. or Friday, Oct. 11, from 1-3 p.m. (Please note this is a change for 2024) and picked up between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 14th. No vehicles are not allowed on the fairgrounds until 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 14th.
No exhibitor shall compete against oneself, either directly or indirectly. An article that wins first place may not be exhibited again.
Articles not listed will be awarded premiums according to merit. Ribbons may be duplicated at the discretion of the judge.
All items must be clean to be eligible for prizes.Content.
Quilts & Rugs
Premiums all Classes:
1ST $12.00 2ND $8.00 3RD $5.00
Entrants MUST declare if the item has been quilted by the entrant or professionally.
A. Bed Quilts – Twin to King
1. Hand Pieced and Quilted
2. Hand and Machine Combo
3. Machine Pieced and Quilted by Entrant
4. Machine Pieced and Quilted Professionally
B. Small Quilts(smaller than twin size)
1. Hand Pieced and Quilted
2. Hand and Machine Combo
3. Machine Pieced and Quilted by Entrant
4. Machine Pieced and Quilted Professionally
C. Wall Hangings
1. Hand Pieced and Quilted
2. Hand and Machine Combo
3. Machine Pieced and Quilted by Entrant
4. Machine Pieced and Quilted Professionally
D. Miniature(18” X 18” or less)
1. Hand Pieced and Quilted
2. Hand and Machine Combo
3. Machine Pieced and Quilted by Entrant
4. Machine Pieced and Quilted Professionally
E. Other Pieced or Quilted Items
F. Kids under 13 yearsold
Best in Show – Quilted Item $15.00
Hooked Rugs and Other Hooked Items
G. Beginner(first hooked item)
1. Design created by other thanexhibitor
2. Exhibitor’s Design
H. Hooked Rugs(experienced)
1. Primitive – Design created by other thanexhibitor
2. Primitive – Exhibitor’s original design
3. Realistic – Design created by other than exhibitor
4. Realistic – Exhibitor’s original design
I. Wall Hangings and Other(experienced
1. Primitive – Design created by other thanexhibitor
2. Primitive – Exhibitor’s original design
3. Realistic – Design created by other than exhibitor
4. Realistic – Exhibitor’s original design Best in Show Hooked Item $15.00
Best in Show – Hooked Item $15.00
Braided and Woven Items
J. Braided Rugs
1. Large - 5’ Rounds, 5’ X 7’ or larger
2. Small – 2’ X 3’, 3’ X 4’, 3’ X 5’
K. Chair Seats and Other Braided Items
L. Woven Rugs
M. Hooked and Braided Rugs
1. Large – 5’ Rounds, 5’ X 7’ or larger
2. Small – 2’ X 3’, 3’ X 4’, 3’ X 5’
Best in Show Braided Item $15.00