Poultry Building
Chair: David Rodgers
See Animal Health Rules and Regulations
1. This show is open to the breeders of rabbits and fancy and rare birds.
2. We welcome all breeds of large and bantam fowl.
3. All rabbits and poultry will be judged in accordance with 'The American Standards of Perfection." Due to restricted space exhibitors will be limited to a maximum of 25 rabbits and 40 birds.
4. All rabbits and poultry must be brought in between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Friday and stay until Monday at 5:30 p.m. (Please note vehicles will not be allowed on the property on Friday after 3 p.m. animals will have to be walked in from 3-7 p.m.) Vehicles will not be allowed on the grounds until 6:00 p.m. Monday.
5. Ribbon awards will be made as well as cash premiums.
6. Entry forms due by September 15th.
Class 1: Standard Recognized Breed
Class 2: Bantams
Division 1–4:
1st—$3.50 2nd—$2.00
Division 5–6:
1st—$6.50 2nd—$4.00
Div. 1: Cock
Div. 2: Hen
Div. 3: Cockerel
Div. 4: Pullet
Div. 5: Old Pen Trio
Div. 6: Young Pen Trio
1st—$5.00 2nd—$3.00
(Meat Crosses & Egg Crosses)
Class 3: Meat Crosses
Division 1: 2 Cockerels Division 2: 2 Pullets
Class 4: Egg Crosses
Division 1: 2 Hens Division 2: 2 Pullets
Class 5: Ducks (pairs only)
Premiums 1st—$4.50 2nd—$2.50
Division 1: Heavy Division
Division 2: Medium
Division 3: Light
Division 4: Bantam
Class 6: Geese (pairs only)
Premiums 1st—$6.50 2nd—$4.50
Division 1: Heavy Division
Division 2: Medium
3: Light
Class 7: Turkeys
Premiums 1st 2nd
Division 1: Pairs $7.00 $5.00
Division 2. Single $3.50 $2.50
Class 8 : Rabbits (pure breed rabbits)
Premiums 1st—$4.00 2nd—$3.00 3rd—$2.00
A. Large Breeds (6-class)
Division 1: Sr. Buck (over 8 months)
Division 2: Sr. Doe
Division 3: Int. Buck (6-8 months)
4: Int. Doe
5: Jr. Buck (under 6 mos.)
6: Jr. Doe
B. Small Breeds (4-class)
Division 1: Sr. Buck (over 6 months)
Division 2: Sr. Doe
Division 3: Jr. Buck (under 6 months)
Division 4: Jr. Doe
Premiums 1st—$6.00 2nd—$4.00 3rd—$2.00
C. Doe & Litter (min. 3 babies 4 wks. old)
D. Meat Pens (3 rabbits under 5 lbs.)
Class 9: Cross-Breed Rabbits
Premiums 1st—$4.00 2nd—$3.00 3rd—$2.00
Division 1 - Buck Rabbit
Division 2 - Doe Rabbit
Premiums 1st—$6.00 2nd—$4.00 3rd—$2.00
Division 3: Doe & Litter (min. 3 babies 4 wks. old)
Division 4: Meat Pens (3 rabbits under 5 lbs.)
Class 10: General Exhibit
1. Exhibited by one breeder.
2. Minimum of ten entries in 10 different divisions and 3 different classes.
3. Up to 25 entries will be considered for this class.
4. If you enter more than 25 exhibits, the best 25 will be considered.
5. This class will be judged on quality not quantity.
6. All champions to be judged in one group from all entries.
7. Winners will receive ribbons in addition to prize money: $30, $20, $10.
Class 11: Champions
A. Best Cock bird in Show $5.00 G. Best Pair Ducks in Show $6.00
B. Best Hen in Show $5.00 H. Best Pair Geese in Show $8.00
C. Best Cockerel in Show $5.00 I. Best Pair Turkeys in Show $8.00
D. Best Pullet in Show $5.00 J. Best Buck Rabbit in Show $5.00
E. Best Old Trio in Show $7.00 K. Best Doe & Litter in Show $7.00
F. Best Young Trio in Show $7.00 L. Best Doe & Litter in Show $7.00
G. Best Pair Ducks in Show $6.00
H. Best Pair Geese in Show $8.00
I. Best Pair Turkeys in Show $8.00
J. Best Buck Rabbit in Show $5.00
K. Best Doe & Litter in Show $7.00
L. Best Doe & Litter in Show $7.00
M. Best Meat Pen in Show $7.00
1. All poultry under five months of age must have originated directly from flocks or hatcheries that have an official pullorum-typhoid clean rating. All New Hampshire poultry over five months of age must be tested by the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture within a year of the date of exhibition and be declared pullorum-typhoid clean. Each bird so exhibited must bear an official pullorum leg band. All water fowl are exempt from the pullorum-typhoid clean ring.
2. No animals will be accepted that show any signs of being diseased. Any diseased animal found in the building will be removed. The owner will be contacted to remove the diseased animal. If not removed the animal will be disposed of.
3. All prizes awarded according to merit. One of a kind entries will be grouped to give definite competitions. Decision of the judges will be final.
4. Please use the Livestock Entry Blank found on our website: www.thesandwichfair.com. Entries must be received by the Fair secretary by September 15th of the current year so that cages can be pre-assigned and getting entries into the barn will go smoothly. If you have any questions please feel free to call or write the Chairman.