Show Time is 9:00 AM, Monday, October 14, 2024
Pre-registration is required.
Registration deadline
All 4-H Livestock must be entered online by September 15.
Sign up link coming soon!
No registrations will be accepted on the day of the show.
· Show will be conducted under the rules for New Hampshire 4-H Horse Show.
· Show will be judged on the Danish Judging System, with each exhibitor receiving a Blue, Red or White Ribbon in each class.
· Trophies for Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded in Senior English, Senior Western, Junior English, Junior Western, and Driving and In Hand.
· The Sandwich Fair 4-H Horse Show Sportsmanship Award will be presented.
· Competitors must enter the class in each group appropriate to their skill level. If a competitor must change class premiums will not be awarded.
· Warm up will be allowed in main ring before each equitation class
· If any rider needs special accommodations, please contact the Carroll County 4-H
Office 603-447-3834.
4-H Horse Show
Premiums: Fitting & Showing: Grade A, $20.00; Grade B, $15.00; Grade C, $10.00.
Division Premiums: Grade A, $15.00; Grade B, $11.00; Grade C, $9.00.
Class List
Fitting & Showing:
1. Senior English, Western, Driving & In Hand
2. Junior English, Western, Driving & In Hand
3. Walk Trot
4. Novice
5. Senior English
6. Senior Western
7. Senior In Hand Suitability
8. Junior English
9. Junior Western
10. Junior In Hand Suitability
11. Walk Trot
12. Driving Reinsmanship
13. Novice In Hand Suitability
14. Senior English
15. Senior Western
16. Junior English
17. Junior Western
18. Senior Driving
19. Senior In Hand
20. Junior Driving
21. Junior In Hand
22. Walk Trot
23. Novice Driving
Novice In Hand
Lunch Break
25. Senior English
26. Senior Western
27. Junior English
28. Junior Western
29. Walk Trot
30. Novice
31. Obstacle Driving
32. In Hand
Written Quiz:
33. Senior
34. Junior
35. Novice