Sunday, October 13th at 8:30 a.m.
Horse Show Ring (7)
(Parade Break 11:45 a.m.)
Chair: Tarrah Desjarlais
See Animal Health Rules
Current Coggins Test and Rabies Certificate Required. Complete Entry Form Day of Show.
(Email, Phone or Postal Mail are welcome as well.
Entry Fee: $9.00 per class Stake Classes $12.00
$5.00 Office Fee per Entry
Ribbons awarded through 6th place excluding Stake Classes.
Day End Division Champions will be Adult, Youth, Open andPairs.
Pairs must be the same in each class. Show Management will decide if more than one Pairs team will be allowed per rider subject to the total entries for the day.
1st Place $15 2nd Place $13 3rd Place $11
1. Keyhole Race
2. Dash Race Adult
3. Dash Race Youth
4. Bow Tie Open
5. Pony Express Pairs
6. Speed Barrels Adult
7. Speed Barrels Youth
8. Ribbon Race Pairs
9. Mountain Cowhorse Race Open
10. Ball & Chain Open
11. Barrel Race Adult
12. Barrel Race Youth
13. $100 Barrel Race
14. Fox & Hound Barrels Pairs
15. Pole Bending Adult
16. Pole Bending Youth
17. $100 Pole Bending
18. Rescue Race Pairs
· Patterns will be posted at announcer’s booth. If any questions, feel free to call or e-mail chairman. Contact information is listed above.
· Rescue Race will run with 2 Riders and 1 Horse.
· You must ride in a least One Division (4 classes) to be eligible to enter the $100 stake classes.
· The parade break will be taken after the class that ends closest to 11:45 a.m. Event will resume as soon as possible after the parade.
· The ring is open for warm-up between 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. as well as during the parade break. Obstacles set for the next class may not be used.