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October 11, 12 & 13


Sunday, October 13th 10:00 a.m.

Cattle Show Area

Chair: Brittni Marston


Registration deadline 

September 15th


Ayrshires • Guernseys • Jerseys • Brown Swiss • Holsteins • Milking Shorthorns • All Other Registered Breeds

Avian Influenza Statement for Dairy Exhibitors:  Please note that we are recommending that dairy exhibitors do not bring lactating cows due to the threat of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).  For more information read the Avian Influenza Statement (link) or contact

See Animal Health Rules and Regulations


1. All animals must show registration papers. No papers pending will be allowed to show.

2. Ribbon awards will be made as well as cash premiums.

3. See Entry Form link.

4. Advance entries only, no exceptions.

5. Incomplete entries may not be accepted.

6. Proof of current rabies certificate required. All out-of-state animals must provide a current health certificate.

7. Three-day exhibitors have priority.

8. All exhibitors are encouraged to have cattle on the Fairgrounds by Saturday 8:00 a.m.

9. Papers will be checked at this time. Exhibitors arriving late from other fairs must have permission prior to Saturday.

10. A vacuum pump will be supplied by the Sandwich Fair for dairy breeders; breeders must supply own milk machine.

Cattle - Dairy




1. Spring Calf 3/1/24 & over 4 mos.

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

2. Winter Calf: 12/1/23–2/29/24

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

3. Fall Calf: 9/1/23–11/30/23

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

4. Summer Yearling: 6/1/23–8/31/23

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

5. Spring Yearling: 3/1/23–5/31/23

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

6. Winter Yearling: 12/1/22-2/28/23

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

7. Fall Yearling: 9/1/23–11/30/23

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$35  $30   $25    $21

8. Junior Champion Female—winners of classes


9. Junior Two-yr. old 3/1/22-8/31/22

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$40  $35   $30    $25

10. Senior Two-yr. old 9/1/21–2/28/22

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$40  $35   $30    $25

11. Three-yr. old cow 9/1/20–8/31/21

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$40  $35   $30    $25

12. Four-year old cow 8/31/19–8/31/20

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$40  $35   $30    $25

13. Aged Cow 5 Years and Older

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$40  $35   $30    $25

14. Dry Cow-Any cow that has calved, but not in milk. 

Cows shown in this class may not be shown in any 

other single cow class.

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$40  $35   $30    $25

15. Senior Champion Female, Winner   of Classes 9–14


16. Grand Champion Female, Winner   of Classes 8 &15


17. Supreme Champion of All Breeds


18. Best Udder—Cow in milk.

(Each exhibitor is   limited to two entries.)

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$45  $40   $35    $30

19. Best Three Females—Three females, any age, 

who have been bred by, and at least one owned by 

exhibitor. (limited   to one entry per exhibitor.)

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$45  $40   $35    $30

20. Get of Sire—Three females, any age, sired by the 

same bull. Animals may be owned by one or more 

exhibitors. (limited to one entry per exhibitor.)

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$45  $40   $35    $30

21. Dam/Daughter - Cow and One daughter of any age.

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$45  $40   $35    $30

22. Produce of Dam - Two females, any age, 

the produce of one cow.

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$45  $40   $35    $30

23. Herd  - Must include two cows over the age of two,

two cows under the age of two and one cow any age

of the  same breed.

1st    2nd    3rd    4th

$45  $40   $35    $30


Proof of current rabies certificate.

All out-of-state animals must have a current health certificate.

Premiums & Classes

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