Sunday, October 13, 2024 1:30 p.m. Animal Show Ring (6)/Swine Barn
Chair: Josh Sheehy
603-783 1952
See Animal Health Rules and Regulations
Exhibitors are to provide feed, dishes and waterers for their animals. Swine must be penned by 8:00 a.m. Saturday and remain until 6:00 p.m. Sunday. No vehicles are allowed on the grounds until 6:00 p.m. Sunday.
Open Swine Show
Premiums for all classes unless otherwise stated:
1st - $20.00 2nd- $16.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $10.00 5th - $8.00
Crossbreds and commercial purebreds will be allowed a class designation:
1. Boar - more than 2 months and less than 7 months old.
2. Gilt – more than 2 months and less than 6 months old.
3. Gilt – more than 6 months and less than 1 year old
4. Sow – one year or older
5. Sow and litter of 5 or more piglets ($25.00, $23.00, $20.00)
6. Herd – Boar and 2 females greater than 3 months ($25.00, $23.00, $20.00)
7A. Light Market Hog 170-250 pounds
7B. Heavy Market Hog over 250 pounds
8. Feeder Pig 60-170 pounds