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October 11, 12 & 13


Saturday, October 12, 2024

at 9:00 a.m.

Horse Show Ring (7)

Chair: Tarrah Desjarlais 603-455-5589


See Animal Health Rules and Regulations

1. Entry Forms available on the website, or at the Fair office 603-284-7062. Pre-entries are not necessary but more than welcome via email, phone or postal mail.

2. Negative Coggins and Rabies Certificate required within one year for New Hampshire horses, six months for out-of-state horses.

3. Decisions from the judge and show committee will be final.

4. ASTM, SEI approved helmets, properly secured are mandatory for anyone under 18 years of age. It is also suggested for everyone over 18 years of age.

5. The management reserves the right to add, delete, or combine entries in the event of a class with fewer than two entries.

6. The management will not be responsible for any accident that may occur to horse, pony, rider, operator, vehicle, or spectators.

7. Exhibitors canceling after the start of the show will forfeit any entry fees, except in the event of serious injury to horse and/or rider.

8. In the interest of moving the show along, please let the Show Secretary Booth know of any tack holds for your convenience.

Entry Fee: $9.00 per class, with the exception of Prize Cash Classes which are $11.00 per class. There is a $5.00 Office Fee per Entry.

No entry fees for Groom's Class.

Open Horse Show

Ribbons Awarded through 6th place

Premiums: 1st — $10.00  2nd — $8.00  3rd — $6.00

Awarded to the top three finishers in each class, with the exception of Leadline, Groom's Class, and all Equitation Classes.


18 and older — Adult

17 and under — Youth Walk-Trot classes are open to all disciplines.

To compete in $100 Prize Classes, MUST BE ENTERED in at least ONE DIVISION.(4 classes)


Adult Western

(4, 8,  20 & 24)

Walk-Trot Adult (W & E)

(6, 10, 22 & 26)

Adult English

(29, 31, 33 & 35)

Youth Western

(5, 9,   21 & 25)

Walk-Trot Youth (W & E)

(7, 11, 21 & 27)

English Youth

(30, 32,34 & 36)

Groom’s Class


Leadline (9 Yr. & Under)

(17 & 18)

Open Driving

(39, 40 & 41)


(1, 2, 3)

Open Sit-A-Buck


In Hand Youth

(13, 14, 28, 38 )


1. Showmanship Adult 

2. Showmanship Youth 

3. Showmanship In Hand 

**Showmanship Championship** 

4 Western AdultEquitation 

5. Western Youth Equitation 

6. Walk Trot AdultEquitation 

7. Walk Trot YouthEquitation 

8. Western Adult Pleasure 

9. Western Youth Pleasure 

10. Walk Trot Adult Pleasure 

11. . Walk-Trot Youth Pleasure 

12. $100 Open Pleasure 

13. In-Hand Suitability 

14. In-Hand Command 

15. Walk Trot Carroll County Special 

16. Carroll County Special 

17. LeadlineEquitation 

18. LeadlinePleasure 

19. $100 Open Horsemanship 

20. Western Adult Command 

21. Western Youth Command 

22. Walk-Trot Adult Command

23. Walk-Trot Youth Command

24. Western Adult Trail

25. Western Youth Trail

26. Walk-Trot Adult Trail

27. Walk-Trot Youth Trail

28. In-HandTrail

29. English Adult Trail

30. English Youth Trail

31. English Adult Equitation

32. English Youth Equitation

33. English Adult Pleasure

34. English Youth Pleasure

35. English Adult Command

36. English Youth Command

37. $100 Road Hack

38. Open Costume Class

39. Reinsmanship Driving

40. Pleasure Driving

41. Driving Trail

42. Groom’s Class

43. Open Sit-A-Buck


*Carroll County Special—Not part of any division

Open to Carroll County residents only, 17 years of age or under. To be judged at the walk, trot/jog, and the canter/lope. May be shown under English, Western, Saddle Seat or any acceptable riding discipline. To be judged 25% on good hands and seat, 25% on grooming and appearance and 50% on performance and manners. No obstacles are to be performed and the pattern will be posted at the Secretary’s Booth Prior to the start of the class.

Premiums & Classes

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