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October 11, 12 & 13


Sunday, October 13, 1:00 p.m.

Quimby School Grounds on Maple Street

Chair- Jeff O'Neil Ph: 603-284-6669

Co Chair - Robin West

Ph: 603-986-9801

Parade Theme 2024:

History of The Sandwich Fair


All entries must register at the Parade Booth by 11:45 a.m. on parade day.

• Minors MUST BE accompanied/supervised by an adult.

• For safety reasons, no candy or other items may be thrown during the parade.

• Entries presenting a statement on controversial issues may be excluded from the parade.

• No political entries accepted—this includes advertising of any nature.

• Fire equipment may not use sirens during the parade.

• No stallions accepted for the parade.

• There shall be no walking feature in the parade with children under six years of age.

• There is a limit of one commercial entry by any one person or organization.

• Prizes are awarded at the discretion of the judges.

• Categories will be added/modified, as necessary.

• Height limitation is 12 feet.

• Entry form on the website:

• Entries which have been judged and received an award will forfeit their premium if they do not participate in the parade

• Antique Cars: Only winning vehicles from the Antique Car Show on Saturday are eligible to participate with no premiums awarded. All other antique vehicles are not eligible for Sunday parade.


President's Award for Best Decorated Float—Sponsored by E.M. Heath’s Ace Hardware $100

Doris L. Benz Award for the Best Agriculture Related Entry $100

Best in Theme — $100

Tish O'Neil Award (Sandwich History)—Sponsored by The O'Neil Family $100

The Jack Burghardt Award for Best Decorated Non-Motorized Vehicle—Sponsored by the Burghardt Family $100

2 Elliott Family Awards for the Best Livestock —Sponsored and Awarded by the Elliott Family $50 each

Float Premiums :

1st—$60 2nd—$50  3rd—$40

1.  School and Childcare Floats

2.  Tribute Float (Person or group)

3. Family & Family Business

4. Community Organizations or Clubs

5. 4-H Floats

6. Brownie   & Girl Scout Floats

7. Cub & Boy Scout Floats

Walking Features Premiums: 

1st—$25 2nd—$20  3rd—$15

8.  Adults

9. Youth

10. Brownie and Girl Scouts

11. Cub and Boy Scouts


Oxen Premiums:

12. Oxen – 

Entrance: $40.00 4 Ox Hitch; $30.00 Ox(en) with Cart; $25.00 per Yoked Pair; $15 Single.

All Entrants will receive a ribbon per entry.

A. Best Four Ox Hitch $25.00 plus ribbon

B. Best Pair $25.00 plus ribbon

C. Best Pair with Cart $25.00 plus ribbon

D. Best Decorated Pair $25.00 plus ribbon

E. Best Single $25.00 plus ribbon

Animal Premiums:  

1st—$20  2nd—$15  3rd—$10

(Other than Horses)

13. Cattle

14. A. Beef Cattle B. Dairy Cattle

15. A. Sheep B. Goats

       C. Donkeys  D. Llamas

16. Other


17. Horses Classes & Premiums

 Horses A-I  1st - $20   2nd - $15 3rd - $10

A. Saddle Horses—English 

B. Saddle Horses—Western

C. Saddle Horses—Rider in Costume

D. Parade Horses      I. Side Saddle

E. Saddle Ponies—English

F. Saddle Ponies—Western

G. Saddle Ponies—Rider in costume

H. Miniature Horses


Horse & Carriage/Hitch Premiums J-Q 1st—$35  2nd—$25  3rd—$15

J. Single Horse and Carriage   N. Pony and Carriage

K. Draft Horses in Hitch    O. Draft Ponies in Hitch

L. Horse & Carriage-Decorated  P. Pony and Carriage-Decorated

M. Pair and Carriage-Decorated  Q. Horse-drawn Antique Vehicle


18. Vehicles Premiums  1st—$25  2nd—$ 20  3rd—$15


A. Antique Tractor—Adult 1960 and older

B. Antique Tractor – Adult 1961-Present

C. Tractor—Junior (18 and under)

D. Motorcycles

E. Bicycle

F. Antique Fire Vehicle

G. Antique Truck

19. Other Categories Premiums  1st—$15  2nd—$10  3rd—$5

Other Categories

Parade features not listed will be awarded prizes according to merit.

Awards & Premiums

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