Equipment Skills Competition
Monday, October 14th 1:00 p.m.
Equipment Skills Competition - Tractor Pull Area 18
Chaired by: Rob Dunlap and Bryan Peaslee 603-651-9396 or 603-344-9476
Participants operate a compact excavator and skid steer through a series of complex obstacles.
Registration begins at Noon/12:00 p.m. and ends at 12:45 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: A waiver MUST be signed by the participant themself.
A Top Operator Award will be presented to the participant with the BEST COMBINED TIMES FROM BOTH EVENTS.
This is a competition for EXPERIENCED OPERATORS
1. Time penalties will be enforced for obstacle failure.
2. Time bonuses will be awarded for optional obstacles for each class.
3. Any operator displaying reckless or dangerous behavior will be disqualified at the Chairmans’ discretion.
4. Minimum age for competitors is 16.