4-H Livestock Chair - Claes Thelemarck, Extension Field Specialist, 4-H Education & Youth Development
Claes.thelemarck@unh.edu, office phone (603)331-4775
4-H age classes are defined as Novice is a first-time exhibitor age 8-13, Junior is 9-11, Intermediate is 12-13 and Senior is 14-18 years of age as of January 1, current year. Cloverbuds, youth age 5-7, may show in Showmanship classes with an adult or older 4-Her at the discretion of the superintendent. Cloverbuds show for ribbons only, no premiums are awarded.
All 4-H Livestock must be entered online by September 15. Go to www.thesandwichfair.com for online Entry forms.
4-H Exhibitors must present Proof of 4-H Animal Enrollment, NH 4-H Health & Medication Form and Breed Registration (if applicable) Papers to Superintendent on Day of Show.
All animals must be on the Fair Grounds by 8:00 AM on Saturday and remain until 5:00 PM Monday or until dismissed by the superintendents. Exceptions will only be made for those members who have received special exemption from the Carroll County Extension 4-H Staff. Special arrangements must be made at least two weeks prior to the fair.
Checking in: All exhibitors should check in with their show superintendent or the livestock chair to receive barn assignments. Animals arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, owner and driver will receive free admission passes for the remainder of the fair. Passes should be picked up from the Livestock Chairman.
As with all 4-H shows, exhibitors are expected to care for their animals throughout the fair.
NOTE: All animals may compete in open classes. All open entries must be entered separately by September 15 with the fair office. Open show forms can be found at www.thesandwichfair.com. Camper reservation forms must be sent to the Sandwich Fair office. Do not send campsite requests to the 4-H Office.
4-H Animal Shows Rules and Regulations
Identification - All animals exhibited must be appropriately identified on 4-H Animal Enrollment forms.
Age of animal–Any animal that will be shown in a 4-H classes must be at least 4 months old.
Outside Assistance - 4-H members are solely responsible for showing and handling their animal in the ring. All animals or groups of animals shown must be owned or leased by the 4-H member. No one but 4-Hers will be permitted to work on their animals after they arrive at the fair.
Each member is limited to not more than one premium in any division per breed class. It is recommended that exhibitors bring only one animal per class.
The superintendent may divide classes as needed.
Fit & Show - All youth must participate in Fitting and Showing in order to be eligible for premiums. They must use an animal that they will exhibit in a type, performance, or market class in the show.
Exhibitor Responsibility - It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to know what class they are supposed to be in and when that class will take place. Exhibitors who miss their class will not be allowed to exhibit in a class designated for another group. Exhibitors who miss their fitting and showing class may exhibit in the rest of the show but will receive no premiums. Exhibitors missing a breed, market, or performance class will not receive premiums in the class missed.
Grade Animals - In NH 4-H shows where type (breed) classes are stipulated for registered animals only, a youth may exhibit a grade female in the show if they own or lease no more than one other eligible animal of that species. A grade animal is any animal that is not registered. It may be a pure-bred female with no papers or a cross-bred male or female. It must meet the age requirement for at least one class in the show. The grade animal may be exhibited within its age group in the registered division, or a separate class may be held at the superintendent’s discretion. Grade animals will receive full premiums. Grade males may not be exhibited except in market classes.
Attire - It is expected that youth will wear appropriate attire when they are exhibiting in a 4-H show. The 4-H attire for all shows except beef is a white collared shirt, solid color skirt or pants, and safe shoes. No blue jeans or inappropriate clothing may be worn in the show ring. 4-H Beef exhibitors may now wear clean jeans and a solid collared button-down shirt or polo shirt. No ripped jeans or patterned shirts. Corporate sponsorship, identification or logos are unacceptable at 4-H shows.
Health - Animal health should conform to current, applicable health standards as set by the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture and announced by the NH State Veterinarian, Dr. Steve Crawford. In addition, to current health standards, all animals exhibited at a 4-H event or show must be immunized for rabies at least 30 days prior to and within one year of the 4-H event. Out of state 4-H livestock exhibitors will need an interstate permit which is obtained by applying to the division of animal husbandry.
4-H members are the sole responsibility of their parent or guardian during the entire duration of the fair.
4-H members and parents or guardians shall conduct themselves appropriately, reflecting positively on the 4-H program.
Conduct - Youth shall represent 4-H and their project to the general public in a positive way, helping to inform them about 4-H and agriculture. Actions must reflect the highest standards of honor and integrity and the best practice relating to their animal project. No type of animal abuse shall be tolerated. 4-H members shall not use or possess alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or controlled substances. All premiums will be forfeited if a 4-H member is found to be in violation of any of the above.
Animals are shown at the risk of the 4-H owner or lessor. Any damages to persons or property are the legal and financial responsibility of the 4-H member and their family who owns and leases the animal.
Direct criticism or interference with the judge or fair/show officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. All judges and fair/show officials shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation, and respect and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them.